By Chocolats Favoris

It's time to celebrate strawberry season with this decadent chocolate-strawberry pie!


Ingredients for the crust:

Ingredients for the mix:

Yum ! I want to make this recipe. Nine out of ten people like chocolate. And the tenth will be blown away by the creaminess of my milk chocolate. After all, I am simply irresistible!

Buy the Milk Chocolate fondue


Steps for the crust:

  • In a bowl, mix all the crust ingredients and spread in an aluminum pie plate.
  • Let cool.
  • Cover the crust with as much Original Milk chocolate fondue as you like.

Steps for the pastry cream:

  • In a pot, mix the milk with half the sugar and bring to a medium temperature while mixing it for 3 minutes.
  • In a bowl, add the 2 egg yolks with the rest of the sugar. Beat well with a whisk and add the cornstarch in three steps.
  • Mix well.
  • Pour a part of the milk mixture in the egg and cornstarch mixture. Mix well.
  • Pour it into the warm milk.
  • Boil it and mix it for one minute, remove from heat.
  • Add the Original Milk chocolate fondue.
  • Cover with a plastic wrap.
  • Refrigerate for two hours.


  • Pour the pastry cream directly onto the bottom of the pie crust (directly or using a piping bag).
  • Slice strawberries and place them on the pie.
  • Drizzle the Original Milk chocolate fondue for a decadent touch.