Privacy policy

Last updated on August 18, 2023

Our Privacy Policy applies to Les Chocolats Favoris Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to in this document as “Chocolats Favoris,” “we,” “our,” or “us”).

Our Privacy Policy explains how we and some of the companies we work with collect, use, share, and protect (collectively, “Management”) personal information in the context of our mobile services and website, including the online store (the “Services”). It also presents your options regarding the collection and use of your personal information.

1. What is personal information?

In this policy, “personal information” means information about an identifiable individual, such as their name and date of birth. This policy does not cover non-personal information, that is, information that does not identify you. However, when we collect non-personal information and associate it with an identifiable individual, this information becomes personal information and is subject to this policy. Please read the following provisions carefully to understand how Chocolats Favoris collects, uses, and discloses personal information about its users. By using our Services, you agree to all the measures we take concerning your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and the following provisions.

2. What types of personal information do we collect?

In the course of providing the Services, we collect, among other things, the following information:

  • Your contact information, such as first name, last name, address, postal code, province, country, email address, or phone number, and any other information necessary for creating an account or subscribing to a newsletter, including your username or password;
  • When you apply for a job, information related to your previous employment, such as your resume;
  • Information related to submitting your application as a Chocolats Favoris franchisee, including your net worth and investment capacity;
  • Information related to marketing and communication preferences, such as comments or survey responses;
  • Information related to the use of our site, including technical information about visits or any other information collected through cookies or other similar tools. This information includes, in particular:
    • The number of visits;
    • The conversion rate;
    • The average duration of your visit;
    • The pages viewed during your visit;
    • The type of device used during your visit;
    • The web browser used during your visit;
    • The IP address used during your visit;
  • Communications between Chocolats Favoris and yourself. This may include emails from us related to the Services (account verification, changes, and updates to Services features, technical and security notices, etc.);
  • Information about the activities you perform through the Services, as well as purchases you make in-store;
  • Any other personal information provided.

3. What do we use your personal information for?

Your personal information is collected for specific and limited purposes when you use the Services, including:

  • Establishing and managing our relationships with you, including information or support requests;
  • Remembering your personal information to avoid having to re-enter it during your visit or on your next visits;
  • Allowing business development and marketing to inform you about our new offers, with prior agreement, providing you and third parties with personalized content and information, including online advertisements;
  • Ensuring, maintaining, improving, testing, and controlling the effectiveness of the Services;
  • For research and development or statistical purposes to improve the use of our site and your browsing experience, including monitoring various indicators (such as the total number of visitors, traffic, and demographic patterns), diagnosing or solving technical problems;
  • Creating and managing any gift card or loyalty programs set up by Chocolats Favoris or third parties mandated by Chocolats Favoris for this purpose, which may include verifying your eligibility for such programs;
  • Organizing contests, challenges, special offers, and other activities and special events (the “Events”) through the Services;
  • Promoting and advertising the Services or your participation in the Events on any platform or medium, including Chocolats Favoris chocolate shops;
  • Evaluating a job application submitted via the “Career” page of the website;
  • Proceeding with the selection process of franchisees who meet the minimum requirements and establishing a priority order among interested parties;
  • As permitted or required, for any applicable legal or regulatory obligations or provisions (collectively, the “Uses”).

4. How do we collect your personal information?

Whenever reasonably possible, we collect your personal information primarily from you, for example, when you visit and/or browse our sites or when you communicate with us. However, we may also obtain personal information from third parties or through cookies when you use the Services. In fact, we may collect information generated by your mobile and/or computing devices (e.g., mobile advertising identifiers, location information, and IP address). Any personal information not collected directly from the concerned person must be collected in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. You have the right, if you wish, to refuse the Management of your Personal Information. You can also, at any time, and subject to reasonable notice and applicable legal or contractual restrictions, withdraw your consent (if any) to the Management of your personal information in our possession by contacting us. However, you should know that if you choose not to provide your personal information, this may prevent you from accessing certain features associated with our sites, as this information may be essential for their proper functioning. To submit any request on this matter, please use the contact information included in section 13 of this Policy.

5. With whom do we share your personal information?

None of your personal information is rented or sold to third parties by us, and no sharing with third parties takes place without your consent, except in cases of legal requirement or necessity for the Uses mentioned above.

In the course of their work, our employees may need to access your personal information, for example, when you contact us, submit an application, or request technical support for our site. Their access is limited to what is necessary for the performance of their duties. Chocolats Favoris may use third parties to facilitate its activities, particularly when you use our site. In the course of these activities, franchisees of the ‘Chocolats Favoris’ brand, strategic partners, and service providers of Chocolats Favoris may have access to your personal information for a limited period. When Chocolats Favoris uses third parties for the Management of any personal information, Chocolats Favoris implements reasonable contractual and technical protection measures to ensure that these third parties keep all the personal information they process strictly confidential. Please note that these third parties may be located outside your place of residence, in which case, appropriate measures are taken by Chocolats Favoris.

Chocolats Favoris may also share your personal information if required by law or if it believes in good faith that such action is necessary to: (i) comply with the law; (ii) comply with an order from a competent judicial authority, regardless of jurisdiction; (iii) comply with any legal process served on Chocolats Favoris; (iv) protect and defend the rights or property of Chocolats Favoris; (v) enforce or verify your compliance with agreements concluded with Chocolats Favoris, if any; (vi) prevent fraud or any other illegal activity perpetrated through our site; or (vii) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of the public in general.

We may share your personal information without your consent when our operations require it (e.g., in the event of a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, or sale of assets). In such circumstances, we may also share all or part of your personal information with the concerned third party (or its advisors) for the purposes of a due diligence process.

Where you have expressly consented, your personal information may be shared with other third parties. For example, there may be specific cases where additional conditions apply, and through these, we clearly indicate that specific third parties manage your personal information.

6. How long do we keep your personal information?

When you use the Services or submit a job or franchise application, we will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the Uses for which it was collected or to comply with applicable legal, tax, or regulatory requirements. Personal information held by Chocolats Favoris and resulting from your interaction with our site will then be destroyed, deleted, or anonymized.

7. How do we protect your personal information?

Chocolats Favoris has implemented security measures to protect your personal information. The security measures we use depend on the type of information collected. Chocolats Favoris employs physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information. Access to personal information is limited, security measures have been implemented, and we destroy personal information following the retention period provided for in this policy. For example, we use firewalls, standardized protection software, secure servers, and password-controlled access.

Although children form an important part of Chocolats Favoris’ fans, our site and Services are designed for individuals aged 13 and over. Chocolats Favoris does not knowingly process the personal information of children under the age of 13 and therefore requests not to provide personal information about them. If you believe that personal information has been collected from children under the age of 13, or if you are a parent or legal guardian and believe that your child under the age of 13 has provided us with Personal Information, you may contact us as indicated in section 13 of this policy.

Since no system is completely secure and flawless, we cannot guarantee that your personal information will be completely protected against interference, misuse, or hacking. Therefore, you acknowledge and agree that it is impossible to guarantee the security of the Services, online transactions, and communications sent by regular mail or email. It is at your own risk that you provide us with information through postal services and the Internet. We expressly disclaim any responsibility for any unauthorized access, misuse, or loss of personal information that we could not control. Should you have any concerns about potential unauthorized access, misuse, or loss of your personal information, please let us know immediately using the contact information in section 13 of this policy.

8. How do we use Cookies

When you use a mobile device, such as a tablet or phone, to access the Services, we may access, collect, control, store on your device, or remotely store one or more device identifiers (“Cookies”). Cookies are small data files or similar data structures that are stored on, or associated with, your mobile device and that uniquely identify it. A device identifier may be made up of stored data related to the hardware features, operating system, and various software of the device, as well as information sent to the device by Chocolats Favoris.Cookies can communicate information to Chocolats Favoris about how you browse and use the Services and can help Chocolats Favoris provide reports and personalized content. Any personal information collected using Cookies by Chocolats Favoris, or on its behalf, is treated with the same level of confidentiality as any other personal information held by Chocolats Favoris.

Some Cookies are necessary for the operation of the Services, but other types of Cookies can be managed and/or disabled via your browser’s Cookie settings and your mobile device’s advertising settings. Social media Cookies (“plugins”) can also be managed by consulting the policies of the following networks (to the extent that they apply):

Our site includes social media features like the Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube share buttons. If you use these features, they collect certain information about you, including the page you visit on our site. Your interaction with these features is governed by the privacy policy of the company providing the feature, not by this Policy.

We may use analytical Cookies to better understand traffic trends on our site, help us measure and improve the effectiveness of our site, and determine if our emails have been opened and if the links they contain have been clicked. These Cookies are used solely for statistical purposes. All information these Cookies collect is aggregated and anonymous. Chocolats Favoris uses Google Analytics, provided by Google Inc. (Google). To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics, visit this module:

9. Where are your personal information hosted and transferred?

We most often retain your personal information in Quebec, or even in Canada. However, it is possible that Chocolats Favoris may use third parties for the Management or transfer of your personal information to locations outside these areas or your province, territory, or country of residence. If so, we require that the suppliers implement adequate security measures before disclosing personal information to them through technical, organizational, contractual, or other legally appropriate means.

10. What are your rights?

Depending on applicable laws, you may have the right to access your personal information or request its correction, the right to withdraw your consent and request the deletion of your account or personal information (if applicable), the right not to be discriminated against, the right to restrict the use and Management of your personal information by Chocolats Favoris and to object to it, or the right to data portability, i.e., the right to receive a copy of all personal information that Chocolats Favoris holds about you in an understandable and readable format.

To exercise these rights, we invite you to communicate in writing with our Privacy Officer as indicated in section 13 below. The steps for processing a request include i) submitting a detailed request, ii) processing it within 30 days of receipt (or all required information), and informing you if you need to pay transcription, reproduction, or transmission fees, and iii) providing a written response. Any request will be handled in accordance with applicable law.

Chocolats Favoris has established procedures to receive complaints regarding its policies and practices for managing personal information. Chocolats Favoris will inform individuals who file a complaint of the existence of relevant procedures. Chocolats Favoris will investigate all complaints. If a complaint is found to be justified, Chocolats Favoris will take appropriate measures, including, if necessary, modifying its policies and practices. If you wish to file a complaint, we invite you to contact us as indicated in section 13 below.

11. Links to Third-Party Websites

It is important to understand that this Policy does not apply to other third-party websites that may be accessed via links on our site. We are not responsible in any way for these third-party sites, their content, or their accessibility. Therefore, any personal information you transmit through these sites is subject to their privacy policy. It is your responsibility to review it to ensure the protection of your personal information.

12. Policy Changes and Updates

Chocolats Favoris may, at its discretion, update, revise, modify, or supplement this Policy from time to time, the latest update being on August 18, 2023. If a significant change is made to the Policy, we will send you a link to the new version of the Policy or a notice will be posted on the Policy publication page on our site. Chocolats Favoris asks its users to review the amended Policy before continuing to use the Services.