Favourite Coffees

Duvernois | Esprits créatifs

Because no matter how you like your coffee, we have an option to turn it into your favorite coffee!



Steps: Pour your coffee in a cup. Pour Choco Crème in the same cup. Mix with a spoon and enjoy.

Long espresso

Steps: Pour your coffee in a cup. Pour Choco Crème in the same cup. Mix with a spoon and enjoy.

Filter Coffee

Steps: Pour your coffee in a cup. Pour Choco Crème in the same cup. Mix with a spoon and enjoy.


Steps: Pour your coffee in a cup. Mix the milk and Choco Crème in the milk frother. Pour the foamed mix into the coffee cup and enjoy.

Because no matter how you like your coffee, we have an option to turn it into your favorite coffee!

Know more about Choco Crème

