The Eggspression

by my lemon drop life

Edible art... Nothing less!

I would have loved this activity as a child. I saw the ad online two weeks ago and within minutes I had recruited my cousins for an afternoon of fun with our kids. Two words and they we’re hooked; Chocolats Favoris! - Andreanne from mylemondroplife

Two amazing things put together: Easter and Chocolats Favoris… marketing GENIUS. Either online or in store, you can pick out everything you need for this great Easter activity.

Véro picked out the chocolate for everyone in advance, but it would be even more fun to bring your kids to the store and let them pick out their favorite one, and of course, have an ice cream cone while you’re there! The prices were very reasonable, with an average of 12$-15$ per child. An outing, a craft and delicious chocolates! A win for everyone. Once you have chosen your favorite mold, you pick out a chocolate color palette and voilà, you’re ready to go!

I would recommend a disposable tablecloth, which we didn’t use! We ended up scrapping off chocolate off my table for ever!

We melted the color palettes in escargot dishes, best idea, because in a plate I would think that the colors would run together… Within 5 minutes, the 5 kids were busy painting. We thought it would last two minutes, but surprisingly, they were entertained for over 25 minutes. They loved it!

I loved that each kids had their own chocolate palette and did whatever they wanted with it. They were mixing the colors as they felt; you can really see their personality in their work! Some were really expressive while painting!

It dries really quickly, so you can pile-up paint on paint on paint without ending up with the same color all over your chocolate. But of course, by the end, there was chocolate paint everywhere. Liam loved it so much he was licking the table while Jacob and Logan were eating the paintbrushes! All resisted eating their work of art. This activity was even more successful than expected.

I’m probably going to do this again before Easter, since it was such a great creative activity (but next time I’m getting one for myself for sure!). My favorite masterpiece was Logan’s! It almost looked like a piece of art I would buy. Finally, the artsy side of my boys is coming out!

I’m pretty sure these will fly of the shelves of Chocolats Favoris stores. So grab one and run! All these pretty colors sure made me ready for Spring; so be ready to be flooded with Easter and Spring posts in the next little while.

Express your talent the Chocolats Favoris way with this paint kit! Get together with family or friends and decorate your very own Easter eggs. 

Discover the eggspression!